The PNG Registrar of Trade Marks recently launched a search engine facility for patents, designs and trademarks.
The trade mark database isn’t actually new as we’ve used it quite regularly, but it does have some new information and features. In any evet, it’s a wonderful effort to shift the information online and available to the public which they can access anywhere, anytime.
One of the reasons we use the facility quite often is to conduct the watch service we provide to clients. And during the conducting of this service, we get to find out what products or brands are about to hit the market. And it just so happens that our favorite local beer supplier might be in for some tough competition in the not too distance future.
Paradise Breweries Limited, a company that’s reportedly setting up base outside Central Province and one associated with a former Prime Minister has filed a total of 16 trade marks. By PNG standards, they sure are coming into the market in a big way and the kind of trade marks they’ve filed seem to indicate that they’re going to give SP Brewery a run for their lager.
You can see images of the trademarks they’ve filed for registration below.
Except for the colors, you can see some obvious similarities in the general outlook of the PB brands when comparing them with SP’s own brands.
What is interesting about the trademarks they’ve filed for registration in so far as competition is concerned is that Paradise Breweries is actually putting its hand up to compete in almost all segments of the market SP Brewery participates in.
I do suspect that Paradise Breweries might follow SP Breweries by exporting their premium brands overseas.
Hopefully, Paradise Breweries entrance increases competition as its healthy for the market. I recall doing some work for SP Brewery in my former employment and one of their colleagues told me that being the only beer manufacturer and supplier in the local market, their biggest competitor was the illegal “homebrew”.
Looks like they’ve got a new competitor and it’s legal!
Images of trademarks filed – from PNG Register of Trade Marks.
Cover image Credit : David Prahl/EyeM / Getty