Welcome to Papua New Guinea’s premier boutique intellectual property firm. Our team specializes in advising both local and global clients on brand protection, patent inventions, innovative industrial designs, commercial copyright, and trade dress matters. With over 20 years of experience, our founder Mea Vai is well-versed in offering strategic advice to major corporations, local companies, and start-ups to protect their brands.
Our extensive network of legal partners covers over 100 jurisdictions, allowing us to assist local exporters in protecting their brands abroad. We have a specific focus on the Pacific region, including the following:


Not all these islands have trademark registration procedures but we can help you with Cautionary Notices.

Corporate Services

In addition to our intellectual property services, we also offer a range of corporate services to foreign clients looking to conduct business in PNG. Our team will guide you through the intricacies of the local market, ensuring compliance and strategic positioning for your business.
Choose Papua New Guinea’s premier boutique law firm for all your intellectual property and corporate needs. Let us help you protect and grow your brand globally.
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